Two clarifying editorials by Jan Burton, and Frances Draper and Derek Silva

The Daily Camera has published two opinion pieces about flood mitigation for South Boulder Creek at CU South in the last week that clarify the current state of affairs.

The first is a column by former Councilwoman Jan Burton that highlights the critical nature of this project while lamenting poor governance at the Council level:  Boulder City Council is leaving residents in harm’s way.


“. . . It should be of concern to every citizen, let alone those in the direct path of South Boulder Creek flood waters, that the city has spent so much time and money on this work only to disregard it in favor of something Council manufactured on-the-fly. Understanding that no one on Council has relevant engineering expertise did not seem to bother six members when voting for something unprofessionally concocted with no promise of success. . . “


The second is a Guest Opinion penned by Frances Draper and Derek Silva of CU that outlines CU’s perspective as a collaborative partner: CU offers to partner with city on critical flood mitigation, by Frances Draper and Derek Silva


“. . . CU has no plans to develop the property in the near future and would not have otherwise submitted an annexation application at this time but for the city’s request that we do so. With this application, we are pleased to support the community by donating up to 80 acres of our land to the city — an estimated value of $18 million — for implementing flood mitigation. Over the past three years, we have dedicated significant effort to listening to input and sharing information at numerous city council and board meetings and have gathered valuable input through community engagement, outreach and surveys . . . “

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